Feed The Boro was started 27 years ago here in Bulloch County with the goal of reaching people that may not have a warm Thanksgiving meal available on Thanksgiving day, but just as important to give a moment of human kindness and sense of belonging and community to people that may be alone or experiencing a sense of depression during what is for others a time of family and celebration. That first year they served over 170 meals on Thanksgiving Day. In 2019 we prepared, plated, and delivered over 5,000 meals with the help of a small army of volunteers from the Bulloch County area.
In 2020 with the changes and challenges that came with Covid restrictions we were unable to prepare individual plates at the high school and deliver as we have done in the past. But we still wanted to help those that may be experiencing food insecurity during these tough and unusual times.
With that in mind we have conducted a series of 1,000 family food drops, so far to date we have distributed over 2,500,000 meals in the Bulloch County area.
This is an outside event and Covid precautions will be in effect. Please consider volunteering to help with your helping hands for one or two hours. If you feel lead please make a monetary donation by clicking the donate now buttons or mail a check to Feed the Boro, P.O. Box 2736, Statesboro, Ga. 30459. Each $5.00 donation will help feed a family of four for a week.
If you have questions, please contact Don Poe at 912.541.0411 or feedtheboro2020@gmail.com
Bulloch County has a 29% poverty rate. This means that close to 1 out of 3 people may go to bed hungry tonight. Even with help from other local sources, this is still a shocking figure. Feed the Boro has been asked to continue our food drops that supply a family of four, two meals a day for a week. But to do so, we need your help. We invite you to volunteer by clicking the volunteer button and volunteer an hour or two to help someone go to bed with a wholesome meal in their belly.
What to be expected on the morning of a food drop. Second Harvest will have on-site two semi-trailers of perishable and non-perishable food at 6:30 a.m. that will have to be offloaded and staged prior to food distribution at 8:00 a.m.  Food distribution will begin as cars slowly roll through the distribution site with trunks open (as much as possible) volunteers will then place the donated food at several stations into the trunks. Each family should receive enough food for approximately one week.
Along with working the distribution lines, we will need volunteers to break down boxes and keep the area free from tripping hazards. We will need volunteers to work in the parking area to keep traffic flowing along with the Statesboro Police Department. As well as volunteers assisting with assuring paperwork is filled out prior to cars arriving in the distribution line. This is an outdoor event social distancing and masks are strongly encouraged. Volunteer times will run from 8 a.m. to approximately noon, broken into one-hour increments.
Volunteers will park in the teachers/visitors parking at the front of the school or in the Big Lots shopping center across the street.
Thank you for your consideration of helping us help others.
If you would like to volunteer to help, please click below to sign up!
Be One of Our Local Supporting Sponsors
Each food drop costs Feed the Boro approximately $5,000 to accomplish or $60,000 per year. The main portion of this is the $2,500 cost of the food from Second Harvest of Coastal Georgia, for this we receive two semi-trucks and one box truck of food to be distributed. The balance is the cost of traffic control officers, food for the hundreds of volunteers that help at each food drop and miscellaneous items.Â
We have no building costs, rent and utilities are non-existent. When we purchase food, it is delivered the morning of each food drop and completely distributed that morning.  Â
We are completely funded by donations, some as small as $5 and others as large as $25,000. Each donation large or small is appreciated and used in the fight against food insecurity, with over 97% of each dollar used for actual food distribution. Â
We have various levels of sponsorships starting with our:Â
The presenting sponsor level starts at $25,000 per year, Food Lion Feeds has been the Presenting Sponsor for the last three years.  As a Presenting Sponsor they are mentioned in all print, radio and television spots. They also have their logo displayed prominently on the Feed the Boro trailer as well as banners for their store and for display at the food drops. They also have the option of having a one-hour remote radio broadcast from Eagle 94.9, as well as a one-hour broadcast in the studio of Eagle 94.9.Â
The Platinum level starts at $2,500 per year. As a Platinum Sponsor they are mentioned in all print, radio and television spots during the months of their sponsorship. They have the option of a one-hour remote radio broadcast from Eagle 94.9 They also have the option of appearing on a one-hour broadcast in the studio of Eagle 94.9. Their logo will be added to the Feed the Boro trailer.Â
The Gold level starts at $1,500 per food drop. As a Gold level sponsor they are mentioned in all print, radio and television spots during the month of their sponsorship. They have the option of appearing on a one-hour broadcast in the studio of Eagle 94.9.Â
 Silver sponsors starts at $1,000 per food drop. As a Silver sponsor they are mentioned in all print, radio and television spots for one food drop.Â
Feed the Boro is a 501-C organization.